The Complete List of Nguni Surnames or Clan Names

Following is a list of all Nguni groups in general, including amaZulu, amaHlubi, amaSwati, amaNdebele (north and south) and partly amaXhosa. This list was forwarded to me by e-mail by one Mthombeni in June 2012, stating that they are “all the Nguni” surnames, including Swati, Zulu, Ndebele, and some Shangaan. To avoid tempering too much with the list, I have left it almost as it was sent to me, leaving all the various repetitions in place. Those surnames we already know to be of Bukalanga or are names of animals or body parts are marked with an asterisk (*). They comprise about 3% of the list, and about 2.1% on the Xhosa list, showing a non-Nguni origin. See The Historiography of Southern Africa: Proceedings of the Experts Meeting held at Gaborone, Botswana from 7 to 11 March, 1977, On the other hand one is struck by the fact that all these other groups observe totems to mark descent, and the Nguni, as a rule, do not (Unesco 1980: Online). The list goes as follows:

[Please read in conjunction with Chapter Three of The Rebirth of Bukalanga - Who and What Actually Constitutes Bukalanga: A Re-Definition of Bukalanga vis-a-vis the Ndebele].

Bhembe Mashinini Guliwe Bhengani

Singo* Nyambawu Bhengu Ngcolosi

Bhuyeni Sigwaxa Biyase Khathini

Ziqubu Biyela Ntshangase Menziwa

Blose Ndelu Shinga Bophela

Hlomuka Ngidi Bukhosini Shenge

Sokwalisa Caluza Mguni Cebekhulu

Linda Nsele Cele Ndosi

Khumbuza Dubandlela Chamane Nzama

Wosiyane Chili Mdunge Chonco

Gambushe Chule Nxele Cibane

Shongololo Cindi Mahlaba Dimba

Dukada Fanisa Fenya Nkundlande

Dindi Mhlongo Mgabhi Njomane

Dladla Gadlela Vezi Ngazitha

Mgabadeli Mhlophe Dlamini Nkosi

Sibalukhulu Mlangeni Dlamlenze Galu

Nyamenja Dlomo Mkhabela Dinangwe

Bhelesi Dludla Cebisa Sikhakha

Dludlu Mtima Mzomba Sikhakhane

Dlungwana Nondaba Gagashe Zondi

Donda Ngonyama Masinga Thusini

Manqele Mzimela Dubazane Mwelase

Dube* Maqhama Khushwayo Nsizwakele

Shozi Duma Ntenga Mthombeni

Lwandle Dumakude Shange Dumisa

Gcwensa Ndimande Dunge Chiliza

Duze Seyama Fakazi Fakude

Fihlela Gabela Lindamkhonto Mnungwa

Gama Shabangu Mbokane Mdluli

Manyoni Gamede Mkholwa Sebenzekhaya

Mbede Gasela Gazu Sibiya

Gcaba Thembela Nombela Mbuso

Gumede Gcaleka Mthembu* Mvelase

Gcumisa Ngwazi Gcwensa Mzulwini,

Ndimande Gebashe Ngcaweni Mnguni

Gedeza Mnyandu Nongalaza Mpangazitha

Gina Mhlungu Magadlela Gininda

Nyembezi Shamase Goba Mbambo*

Magoza Gobhozi Nyuswa Ngcobo

Fuze Gule Malambule Nselenduna

Guma Siyaya Mangena Gumbi

Ndandali Mlotshwa Gumede Qwabe

Mnguni Khondlo Yeyeye Phakathwayo

Gwacela Mbili Mhlanga Gwagwa

Mlambo Qunga Mphephethwa Gwala , Nkondlwane Gwamanda Yenga, Sochumase

Hadebe Mthimkhulu Bhungane Hlabisa

Ngotsha Mdinwa Songiya, Somfula

Hlatshwayo: Mhayise, Mavuso, Swazi,

Cebisa Hlela: Madlula, Hangala,

Kunene Hlengwa: Mashasha, Thoyana

Hlongwa: Gabhisa, Mtumaseli, Lange,

Khawula, Gence Hlongwane: Ngwane,

Sangweni, Zikhali Hlophe: Thumbeza,

Myeni, Sameya Hlubi: Nkosi,

Ludonga, Mavuso Jali: Bhengu,

Ngcolosi, Dlabazane, Ngwane Jama:

Dlamini, Mzizi, Sijadu Jamile:

Nkamzwayo, Mehloluhlaza, Ntsele Jele:

Luvuno, Nonyana, Sokhwebula Jili:

Vilakazi Jiyane: Mkhathini, Magolwana,

Mahlinza Khaba: Ngobese, Mqungebe

Khambule: Mlotshwa, Mncube* Khanyeza:

Ngwane Khanyile: Ngwane Khathi:

Nandisa, Mbende, Sotobe, Phakathwayo,

Sibiya Khawula: Hlongwa, Gebhezi,

Ntombela, Ntanzi Kheswa: Nozulu,

Mpangazitha Khomo: Sibiya, Zamisa

Khoza: Mlotshwa, Msuthu, Ndlandla

Khubisa: Nkomo* Ncube* Khuboni:

Maseko, Simelane Khulu: Mbulaze,

Mntungwa Khuluse: Hlongwa, Gabhezi,

Mdindela Khumalo: Mabaso Khumbuza:

Cele, Ndosi Khuzwayo Gumede,

Mnguni Khwela: Ndulini Khwane:

Dlakela, Gugushe Kubheka: Khathide,

Sobote, Magononde Kunene: Madonsela,

Mtimande Kweyama: Vezi, Dladla

Lamula: Zinyane, Mthembu* Langa:

Sothole, Ngwane, Mcwaye Lembede:

Ndima Linda: Cebekhulu Lukhele:

Mdluli*, Nzimande Luthuli: Madlanduna,

Mshibe Luvuno: Malembe Mabanga:

Dlodlo, Langa, Mpangazitha Mabaso:

Mntungwa, Ndabezitha, Mbulazi Mabhena:

Musi, Mhlanya Mabizela: Mshengu,

Shabalala, Ndimande Mabika: Dinane,

Dinabantu Mabuya: Msibi, Ndlondlo,

Ngwenya*, Mntimande Mabuyakhulu: Ndiyema,

Mdotshana Mabuza: Ludonga Made:

Zimbu, Ngwane, Zimase, Mkhandlela

Madela: Longode, Ndaba, Hhoyiyane

Madiba: Shinga Madi: Ngalonde,

Madide: Phikela, Mawanda, Sompisi

Madlala: Mpumuza, Bhengu, Sishi,

Khabalidaka, Nodlomo Madondo: Mnguni,

Mnquhe Madonsela: Kunene , Mntimande

Maduma: Mthiyane Maduna: Mdlalose,

Nyanda Mafulela: Ndondakusuka Mafobo, Magagula: Mthombeni Magubane: Thole,

Nkomose, Sothole, Ndlandla Magutshwa:

Simelane Magwaza: Yengwayo Mahaye:

Nodanga, Ntombela, Ntanzi Mahlaba:

Mbunjwa, Nsukuza, Shengele, Cindi

Mahlalela: Maziya, Mcanco Mahlangu:

Mabhoko, Mbili, Phetha Mahlinza:

Jiyane, Zosongo, Mkhathini Mahlobo:

Sokhela, Nzuza Majola: Macingwane,

Mchunu Majozi: Mnqamu, Gwanyana, Mbhulangwe Makhanya: Duze, Mnguni,

Yeyeye Makhaye: Shombela, Mdeke,

Nyawokhulu Makhathini: Mncwabe Makhaza:

Luvuno, Sokhela Makhoba: Sengwayo,

Ncwane Makhunga: Phethela Malevu:

Vezi, Kunene , Ziqunde Malinga:

Mlotshwa, Vunisa, Zindela Maluleka:

Thomoyi Mamba: Nkosi Manana:

Ncusi, Mbuyise, Nkabinde, Ndimande

Manqele: Duyaza, Phakathi, Ndaba

Manyoni: Mlotshwa Manzi: Nonkululeko, Qomazitha, Nyokayebululu, Njinji Manzini:

Zungu Maphalala: Khoza, Mtimande,

Mavuso Maphanga: Gumede, Ginindza

Maphisa: Mlambo, Sishange, Mabhedla

Maphumulo: Mashimane, Doncabe, Zikode,

Cwalile Masango: Ntusi, Mdluli*

Maseko: Ngcamane, Khuboni Mashaba: Ngungunyana, Phoseka Mashinini: Guliwe,

Bembe, Cindi Masikane: Tiba

Masina: Mathebula, Mkholo Masinga:

Shobane, Njomane, Mangethe Masilela:

Mntambo, Mlondo Masondo: Nyambose,

Mpanza Masuku: Nhlane, Ndwandwe

Mathaba: Mcambi, Mbuyazi Mathe:

Ncanana, Thenjwayo, Mzilankatha Mathebela:

Nsele, Lindamkhonto, Mthembu,* Sodiza,

Ntongadli Mathebula: Masina, Mkholo,

Mthombeni Mathenjwa: Ndabezitha Mathunjwa:

Mvubu Mathibela: Msuthu Mathonsi:

Shekimbuya Mathwasa: Silangwe, Ntamonde

Mavundla: Bhembe, Mngwemkhulu, Mwelase, Thabekhulu Mavuso: Ludonga, Mshengu,

Shabalala Mayise: Phakathi, Nkomoye,

Nsele Mayisela: Mhayise, Jibela,

Mbonane Mazibuko: Mwelase, Manzezulu,

Nzima, Phuthini Mbamali: Mveni,

Thobeni, Nhlanhlampofu Mbambo* Goba,

Magoza, Mdunge Mbanjwa: Sokhela,

Magujwa, Dindela Mbatha: Shandu

Mbebe: Guliwe, Mashinini Mbeje:

Mbatha, Shandu Mbhele: Khuboni,

Godide, Ndlela Mbhense: Nsibande

Mbili: Khosini Mbokazi: Donda,

Sontuli, Hlumakazi Mbonambi: Mbuyazi,

Mabhodla Mbongwa: Mbuyisa, Makhubo

Mbongwe: Sondisa, Maphanga Mbotho:

Nsindane, Mtolo, Mshikela Mbuli:

Mlawula Mbuyisa: Mlotshwa, Sikhunyana,

Mbuyazi, Mbonambi, Dube* Mcambe:

Mathaba Mcanyana: Mayeza, Kholose,

Mshiyane Mchunu: Macingwane Mcoyi:

Gumede Mdaka: Nhlabathi, Mdomula,

Magezana Mdakane: Mlangatshe Mdladla:

Thumbela, Mwelase Mdlalose: Nyanda,

Maduna, Dikane Mdletshe: Ngomane,

Msindazwe Mdluli: Nyoka,* Lukhele,

Nzimande, Sikwayo Mdonswa: Nguse

Mdunge: Chiliza, Mwelase, Mbambo,*

Makhathini Memela: Gambu, Msuthu,

Nontuli Meyiwa: Msomi, Gasa

Mfeka: Mzimela. Mfusi: Thiyane

Mgcaleka: Mthembu,* Mvelase Mgenge:

Maphahla Mgobhozi: Mahlobo, Yeyeye

Mhlambo: Mngwengwe, Mzilankatha, Nyazitla

Mhlanga: Gwacela, Mbili Mhlangu:

Mhlongo: Njomane, Langeni, Makhedama, Khuyameni Dladla, Gadlela Mhlungu:

Mthiya, Mwelase, Ngwane Miya:

Mzizi Mjadu: Sonqandile, Mshikila,

Ndlela Mjwara: Mbelu, Mnangwe,

Gubeshe Mkhabela: Dlomo Mkhatshwa:

Nxumalo, Ndwandwe Mkhithi: Zaza,

Mkhokeleleki, Mbembe, Langa Mkhize:

Gubhela, Khabazela, Gcwabe Mkhonza:

Mhlongwane, Ngwane Mkhulisi: Mkhumbuzi:

Magaya, Cele Mkhungo: Lango,

Sodi Mkhwanazi: Nkwali, Ndonga,

Shamase, Mwelase Mlaba: Ximba,

Mabhoyi Mlambo: Gubhuza, Ndlanzi,

Magaye Mlangeni: Magasela, Sishiya,

Madondo, Mdephane, Linda Mlawu:

Nzamela Mlondo: Mgenge, Mntambo

Mncube:* Khambule, Mlotshwa, Mzilankatha

Mncwabe: Mpangazitha, Phakathi, Sishangwe,

Mjoji, Makhathini Mngadi: Madlokovu,

Ngema Mngoma: Cenge, Mkhongisa Mngomezulu: Dlakadla, Msuthu Mzimela,

Khonjwayo, Donda, Mfeka Mnikathi:

Gcwensa, Khaphela Mnisi: Mvulani,

Nkophe Mnomiya: Gininda, Shezi

Mnqayi: Mashiya, Linda Nsele

Mntambo: Mlondo, Vezi, Masilela,

Jiyane Mnyandu: Mpangazitha, Bhedleni

Mnyoni: Dlamane Motha: Mvulane

Mtolo: Nsindane, Mboko Mpanza:

Sandanezwe, Thabekhulu, Mavundla, Siwele,

Donda Mpila: Delwayo Mpofana:

Ntombela Mpungose: Khuba, Gawozi,

Phahla Mpunzana: Mpanza Mqadi:

Mbuyisa Msane/Msani: Vangisa, Mvuna,

Majoka Mseleku: Duma, Lwandle,

Mthombeni Msibi: Ndlondlo, Guliwe

Msimang: Thabizolo, Nonkosi Msomi:

Nyawose, Phingoshe, Gasa, Nomndayi

Msweli: Nxele, Seme, Nongalo

Mthabela: Chibi, Mlotshwa Mthalane:

Weza Mthanti: Mnyaka, Mthiyane,

Ntsele Mthembu:* Mvelase, Mkhulisi

Mthethwa: Jobe, Nyambose, Masondo*

Mthimkhulu: Hadebe, Makhulukhulu Bhungane Mthiya: Zubane, Mbatha Mthiyane:

Sokhulu, Luvuno, Zondo, Mazwi

Mthombeni: Magagula Mtshali: Hlabangane, Mantshinga, Magalela Dlangamandla Mvubu:*

Mgasela, Mdluli,* Mathunjwa Mvula:

Duma Mvuyana: Khumbuza, Cele

Myeza: Ndengezi, Msokazi, Mzukwuse,

Dimbane, Mpangele Mwandla: Nqumela,

Magange Msweli: Dubandlela Myeni:

Mzukase, Mnguni, Mzimela, Mziyankatha

Mzila: Mawewe Mzileni: Nyawose

Mzimela: Mnguni, Dimbani Mzizi:

Dlamini Mzobe: Lamula, Phohlo

Mzolo: Dlangamandla, Gasa, Mbungela

Mzoneli: Phingoshe, Msomi Mzulwini:

Gcwensa, Shozi, Ndimande Nala:

Gwija, Mhlophe Ncala: Njiki,

Maphanga Ncwane: Gwamanda, Dlamdaka,

Linda, Nomvuma Ncanana: Mathe,

Thenjwayo, Mzilankatha Ncongwane: Nkwakha

Ndaba: Manqele, Sibhene, Madela,

Mhlungu, Mthiyane Ndabandaba: Mahamba,

Sidlodlo, Mphephethwa Ndawo: Yamela,

Khoza, Khobeni, Mphahlwa Ndawonde:

Zitha Ndebele:* Mazankosi, Vanande

Ndima: Lembede Ndimande: Gcwensa,

Mzulwini Ndlala: Khezokhulu, Tukane,

Mlalane Ndlangamandla: Mphazima Ndlanzi:

Hadebe, Bhungane, Mthimkhulu Ndlanya:

Mjoli, Mbekwa Ndlela: Bayeni,

Sompisi, Godide, Mphemba Ndlovu:*

Gatsheni,* Boyabenyathi Nduli: Khwela

Ndulini: Khwela, Sithombo Nene:

Sithenjwa, Ngema Ngcamu: Mncube,*

Mzilankatha Ngcemu: Makhathini, Xulu,

Donda Ngcobo: Mavela, Fuze,

Mapholoba, Mbili Ngema: Mngadi,

Ntusi, Nene Ngiba: Mlungwana, Zikhungwini Ngidi: Hlomuka Ngobese:

Mqungebe, Donda, Mthinti Ngonini:

Mlawu Ngubane: Mbomvu Ngubeni:

Nkomo* Ngwenya:* Mtimande Ngwazi:

Zumbisa, Cele, Mbutho, Gcumisa

Nhlanhla: Mncube* Nhlapho: Sigegede,

Mwelase Nhleko: Mgilija, Mncwango Nhlengethwa: Msuthu Nkabinde: Mcusi,

Mzizi Nkonyeni: Chibini, Khanyayo

Nkosi: Dlamini Nkumane: Zitha

Nkwanyana: Zikode Njapha: Soduba,

Vabaza, Siyeshe Nogantshi: Dlamini,

Jamasijadu, Sitolotolo Nsele: Linda,

Hadebe Nsibande:* Goje, Mdlanyoka Nsibanyoni: Malambule Ntaka: Mzimela

Ntanzi: Khawula, Gebhezi, Mahlobo,

Ntombela, Zulu Ntenga: Duma

Ntombela: Mahlobo, Mpangazitha Ntuli:

Mphemba, Mbhele Ntshangase: Mgazi,

Biyela, Menziwa Ntshalintshali: Phathwayo

Ntshingila: Dlabane Ntshiza: Mtolo,

Dlangamandla Nxamalala: Zuma Nxasana:

Nonduma, Bele, Sikhonza Nxele:

Sweli, Semi, Msweli Nxumalo:

Ndwandwe, Mlaba, Mkhatshwa Nyandeni:

Gasela, Khukhuza, Mashobane Nyawo:

Dumakude, Mlaba Nyembe: Thwala,

Siwela Nyembezi: Nkwaliyenkosi, Shamase,

Mkhwanazi, Nkwali Nyide: Ndabase,

Mahulube Nyongwana: Nyuswa Ngcobo,

Fuze, Mapholoba Nzama: Zukula,

Chamane, Wosiyane Nzima: Phakathi

Nzimande: Mphephethwa, Mdluli,* Mdlobhiya, Mangcamane Nzimase: Sishi Nzuza:

Mshazi, Mahlobo Phakathi: Mncwango,

Sigagu, Juqula Phewa: Mvelase

Phoswa: Nyoni,* Gengeshe Phungula:

Mdlovu* Qwabe: Gumede Sabela/Sabelo: Gwamanda, Mdlumbi, Maphindela, Vezi

Sangweni: Hlongwane, Ngwane, Zikhali

Seme: Mbuyazi, Msweli Shabane:

Mboyisa, Mlinga Shabalala: Mshengu

Shabangu: Mbhele, Gama, Ntuli

Shandu: Mbatha, Mthiya Shange:

Dumakude, Mdima Shangase: Shuku

Shazi: Zindela, Cebekhulu Shelembe:

Maphalala, Mzamela Shezi: Dlaba

Shinga: Ndelu, Blose, Madziba

Shoba: Mpikela, Mathumba, Mjakada,

Nowanqa Shoyisa: Mnqayi Shozi:

Mthiya Sibaya: Thango, Gotsholo

Sibeko: Maziya, Mkhabela Sibisi:

Mahlase, Bhovungana, Gamede Sibiya:

Ndaba, Sotobe Sikhakhane: Mathula,

Nzimase Sikhosana: Ncama, Msamkhulu,

Somboni Sikobi: Ngwenya* Simelane:

Magutshwa Sithole: Mondise, Jobe

Siyaya: Guma, Mangena Sishi:

Nzimase, Mathenjwa, Ncwaba Nzuza,

Mahlobo Sokhulu: Mthiyane Thabethe:

Mangede Thango: Sibaya, Jiyane

Thela: Thembekwayo: Mhlabandlovu, Mtimande

Dlamane, Masina Thembela: Nombela,

Gcaba Thenjwayo: Nsibande, Gabadela

Thwala: Mnyamande, Nyembe, Motha,

Thusi: Sishange, Dlebenkomo, Mlotshwa,

Mfene* Thusini: Donda, Manqele,

Mnguni, Mlaba Wanda: Mathetha,

Mphankomo Wela: Yeye Weza:

Mthalane Kweyama, Mnembe Vilakazi:

Mphephethwa, Jili, Binda Vumase:

Sikhumbane, Mfumu Vumisa: Nkala*

Vundla:* Gigaba Xaba: Nonkosi

Xala: Gubulundu, Mbanjwa, Zizi,

Dlamini Xhakaza: Bhengu, Nondela

Ximba: Mlaba, Nondlela, Msuthu,

Thusi Xolo: Msuthu, Ntamonde,

Thusi Xulu: Makhathini, Gxabhashe,

Sonkophe, Jiba Yengwa: Gwamanda,

Sondini Yeni: Shibase, Zondi

Zaca: Msenti Majila Zakwe:

Cebisa, Mdlolo, Zama: Dingila,

Nombhoco, Gcugcwa, Wosiyane Zibani:

Zikhonjwa, Nontanda Zikhali: Sangwani,

Hlongwane, Ngwane Zincume: Mhlongo,

Njomane Zindela: Malinga, Mlotshwa,

Shazi, Cebekhulu Zimu: Mtuswa,

Mbhodwe Biyase, Khathini Zitha:

Ndawonde Zondi: Nondaba, Gagashe,

Luqe Zondo: Mthiyane Zubane:

Mthiya, Zikhonjwa Zuke: Mbhedu,

Bikelwayo Zulu: Mageba, Ndabezitha,

Sithuli Msholozi, Zungu: Manzini


Xhosa clan names (isiduko (sing.), iziduko (pl.) in Xhosa) are family names which are considered more important than surnames among Xhosa people. Much like the clan system of Scotland, each Xhosa person can trace their family history back to a specific male ancestor or stock. Mentioning the clan name of someone you wish to thank is the highest form of respect, and it is considered polite to enquire after someone’s clan name when you meet them. The clan name is also sometimes used as an exclamation by members of that clan. A few clan names of amaXhosa and related ethnic groups include:

1. Bhayi (Khetshe, Mkhumbeni, Msuthu – they belong to the amaVundle people).

2. Bhele (divides into several sub-clan groups: Dongo, Langa, etc.)

3. Cethe (ooChizama).

4. Cirha (ooNcibane, Nojaholo, Ntswentswe, Qhanqolo, Sihlobo SikaPhalo, Hlomla lidala lineempondo, MGcaleka).

5. Deyi

6. Debeza – OoDebeza, ngoJebe, Nonyanya, Nongoqo, Mbeka Ntshiyini Bathi uqumbile, Khonkcoshe Mbokodo engava mkwetsho (These are royalty in the Amampondomse group. Their main concentration is in the former Transkei, in Tsolo, Qumbu and Umthatha in the Eastern Cape.)

7. Dlamini (or Zizi,Jama kaSjadu, the clan name of Thabo Mbeki, an Mfengu subgroup)

8. Dlane

9. Dlomo (different lines, Thembu or Hlubi subgroups)

10. Dontsa - oNoDlidlu, oNoDlabathi, oSwahla, oMntungwa uNduku Mkhonto, uShembe, bath’ uDontsa akananyongo kant’ abay’bon’ uba igqunywe ngesbhadlalala so mhlehlo... (Hlubi clan)

11. Dosini

12. Duma (Nxuba)

13. Faku (Nyawuza, Thahla, Ndayeni, Mpondo, Hlamba ngobubend’amanz ekhona)

14. Gaba (Mngqosini, Mjobi, Thithiba, Cihoshe, Nozinga, Mnt’womlambo, Thikoloshe, Ndoko, Mbokodw'emnyama Kahili, Msuthu)

15. Gadluma

16. Ganu

17. Gcina, Helushe, Xhamela Ncancashe, Magwebulikhula, Malambedlile, Nokwindla, Thyopho

18. Gebe (a Bomvana clan name)

19. Gqunu

20. Gqwashu (with Khoikhoi ancestry)

21. Gxarha, Cwerha, Vambane, Mahlahla, Mlawu, Potwana (Mpodomise subgroup clan name)

22. Hegebe

23. Jola SingaMampondomse ngohlanga, oJola, oomphankomo, nomakhala, njuza, sthukuthezi, sithandwa mhla kukubi, hoshode, hakaha, mfaz’omabele made oncancisa naphesha komlambo

24. Jwarha (Mtika, Mazaleni, Jotela, Khatiti, Mnangwe, Mayarha, Mbelu, Ndabase, Bantw'abahle noba bapheth’ izikhali,

25. Khawuta

26. Khiwa (Khonjwayo, a Pondo clan)

27. Khumalo (Mfengu clan name)

28. Khwetshube (Mpondo clan name)

29. Kwayi (Ngconde, Togu, Ubulawi, Ngcond'oneentshaba, etc.)

30. Madiba (the clan name of Nelson Mandela, a Thembu. Important rulers and chiefs include Mthikrakra, Ngangelizwe, Dalindyebo, Joyi, Jumba, Sabatha, Buyelekhaya)

31. Maduna (Gubevu, Nokhala, an Mfengu clan name)

32. Mambi (Nxontsa, Xesibe, Bhulingwe, Mntshontsho, Khabakazi, Mnganu, Vuy’mambo, Sabela’ uyabizwa emazibukweni)

33. Manci (Mbali, Wabane, Tshitshis'intaba, Mdludla ka Bekiso, Zinde Zinde Zinemiqala)

34. Maya (omaya oyem yem osophitsho, omagwa, ongqolomsila, obhomoyi)

35. Mahlangu

36. Matshaya Mbathane

37. Mbanjwa

38. Mbatha

39. Mbotho

40. Mdlangathi: Mome mome Sirhama Somntwana, Juta

41. Mfene Lisa, Jambase, Hlathi, Buswayo, Canzi, Sanzanza

42. Mhaga

43. Miya, Gcwanini

44. Mjoli (Qubulashe, Wushe)

45. Mkhwemte Dabane Sgadi Mekhi Ntswentswe Fulashe Nojaholo Ncibane Qhanqolo Ntlokwenyathi Ngququ venge

46. Mpehle (Mpodomise subgroup clan name)

47. Mpemvu (a Thembu clan name)

48. Mpinga (Mawawa): the clan of Enoch Sontonga, author of "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika", part of National Anthem of Republic of South Africa.

49. Mtakwenda (Leta, Libele, Tyebelendle, Ngcwadi, Kwangeshe, Mentuko, Mboyi, Solizembe)

50. Mthunzi (Nyukwana, Homposhe, Njifile, Ntibane, Pepepe, Thambo lihlab’ elimzondayo, Qabel’ eliweni)

51. Mvulane (Ncilashe, Msuthu – they belong to the amaVundle people)

52. Mweli (Jili, Msingawuthi, Ngqambela, Sibakhulu, Ntlangwini's enebathat yaseMakhuzeni)

53. Myirha Mzondi Sampu Ziyeka (Ithambo lenyoka lihlaba elimzondayo)

54. Ncuthu

55. Ndaba (Tshibase, Bhadela, Mntungwa, Nonunu, Nomangcangca, Nogubela)

56. Ndala (Ndala ka Momamana, uMncotshe, Msunu Sdumbu, Thole, Ngxunga Smukumuku, Ndithinina )

57. Ndlovu Mntungwa Gengesi Malunga Mancoba (zidlekhaya ngokuswela umalusi)

58. Ngcitshane

59. Ngxongo

60. Ngwanya

61. Nkomo (Mntungwa, Khumalo – amaMfengu. They are originally Ndebele from Natal and arrived in as refugees in Thembuland in 1828 during the time of the Mfecane wars.)

62. Nkwali (Mfengu/Hlubi clan name: bhukula, Mkhwanazi, Nkwali ye Nkosi)

63. Nozulu (Kheswa, Mpafane, Mchumane, Mpangazitha, Macocobela, Mbanguba, Thukela)

64. Nqarhwane

65. Ntshilibe

66. Nxasana

67. Nxuba (Mduma, Rhudulu)

68. Nyawuza (Faku, Mpondo ruling line, chiefs including Faku, Sigcau, Bokleni, Ndamase)

69. Nzothwa

70. Mqadi Ngqwili Nondlobe,Ngcwina,

71. Qhinebe - Gqugqugqu, Zithonga-zthathu, Haha, Mlunjwa, Mkhomanzi, Duka namahlathi,konjanémnyama idlalémafini.

72. Qocwa (Zikhali Mazembe, Jojo, Tiyeka, Butsolo Beentonga Mbizana, Mabombo)

73. Qoma (Qomukuyitya, Nyoyela, Nwaba ndikwenze, Singqu, Sisiqobo eso)

74. Qithi (Ndinga, Zondwa, Thembu)

75. Mqwambi, Holomi

76. Qwathi - Iinkomo zikaXesibe, zikaJojo, zikaMtshutshumbe.

77. Rhadebe ndlebentle’zombini (amaHlubi)

78. Rhoyi

79. Sithathu – means "third" (the third Khoi-khoi ancestry clan) [oChisana, Khopoyi, Ndebe, Hasa,Lawu]

80. Sikhosana (Sirhama sidika izinja) by AD

81. Skhoji

82. Shiya

83. Sohobese

84. Sonani

85. Sukwini (with Khoi-khoi ancestry) – [Chwama, Dibashe ,Lawu'ndini, Nja-bomvu, Sandlala-ngca, Ithole loMthwakazi, Tiki ayivumi napokotho, umnqayi linqindi,imvaba yiketile]

86. Thangana (Krila, Rhaso, M'bamba, Bodlinja, Gobingca)

87. Thole (Gqagqane, Buzini, Ndlangisa, Mzimshe, Lwandle)

88. Tolo (Hlubi clan name – Dlangamandla, Mchenge, Mabhanekazi, Zulu, Vumbalempongo liyanuka)

89. Tshangisa (Zulu, Skhomo, Mhlatyana, Rhudulu, Nxuba, Mngwevu)

90. Tshawe (the ruling house among all the Xhosa. Chiefs include Hintsa, Sigcawu, Sarhili, Xolilizwe, etc.)

91. Tshezi (the ruling Bomvana clan of the Jalamba-Gambushe line, with European shipwreck ancestry)

92. Tshomane (with shipwreck ancestry, split from the ruling Nyawuza clan of the Mpondo)

93. Xesibe (AmaXesibe are a nation made up of several clans and tribes but their history is not well documented. Common clan names are: Nondzaba, Mbathane, Tshomela ka Matsho).

94. Xhamela (They are also called amaGcina, found in Thembuland).

95. Zangwa (Khwalo – amaMpondo) (Data on Xhosa clan names sourced from Wikipedia, Online).


  1. I am impressed; for the world will never understand itself... yeah...even the value of humanity shall be lost unless the world understands Africa and in particular Southern Africa as by you exemplified with this Bukalanga-Blog. Incidentally, Bukalanga are the seed nation for my mother's people the Swazis as well. Between Bukalanga and Venda (maybe some other neighbouring tribes involved as well) is the history of human civilization. Even the history of the Jews starts right there because there is no difference between Land Azania and Land Zion... it is a matter of pronunciation. And so I am so glad that you can work so hard for what is true for the world today. I wish you Gospeed!

    1. i just want to know about Mtipha clan why doesn't appear on Xhosa clan names

  2. I just want to find out how do Radebe/mthimkhulu relate to xesibe.

  3. This is a considerably concise collection of our heritage. However I'm concerned that it's merely a list and it does not create links. It's format is not easy to follow and confusing. If possible, please make links from the surnames to the isithakazelo

    1. I think has exactly what you referring to.

  4. Nqarhwane Xhosa clan where are they found in the eastern cape? Again are they Amapondo,Amapondomise or thembu pls help?

    1. They are actually amaGqunukhwebe. These are originally a nama/khoi group from Namibia. They are mostly found in Port Alfred

  5. is there any surname by Khanyayo? it's the first to hear such a surname

    1. Khanyayo sisiduko among Pondo clans their praises :bumbantaba mtshomo ntsazano.....

  6. As far as I know Xhosa's are Nguni's not some but all. Shangaans are Tsongas not Ngunis.

    1. There are two types of Shangaans. Those of Tsonga origin and those of Nguni origin, who are also known as Gaza Ngunis. Read your history it explains it all.

    2. Ehhhh.... the term SHANGANE is from SOSHANGANE Son of Zikode..A NGUNI MAN...who led NGUNIS northwards away from King Shaka... SOSHANGANE established....GASA Kingdom...did u see the "S"? It's GASA not Gaza.....GASA was the grandfather of SOSHANGANE kaZikode Nxumalo....the Nxumalo clan( A Nguni clan) still reigns...All amaShangane are definition....they speak Tsonga but are Nguni nonetheless...their surnames are Nguni even though they change some letters

  7. Hi last commentor. Yes, the Xhosa are Nguni. The Shangani are also Nguni from Zululand, left Zululand under Soshangane. Not all Tsonga are Shangani, Shangani is simply an impossed name.

  8. give me origins of cindi where are they from which tribe they belong to which under which chief

    1. I'm a cindi , I to would like. Knw which tribe do they come from. Sorry for not giving u and answer !

  9. didnt find joy, just a list...

  10. Vukuzenzele Zenzo Ncube14 January 2013 at 02:49

    Emmanuel,It is interesting that you have put an asterisk on Mncube/Ncube on the following surnames:

    Ncube, Mncube:* Khambule, Mlotshwa, Mzilankatha, Ngcamu, Mpangazitha, Zikhali, Makalima

    All these surnames are actually Mncube/Ncube surnames but people opted to use toetems and grandparents names as surnames. I think you should look at the origins of the surname Ncube before assuming that it is a Kalanga surname. In actual fact these people are Sotho descendants and not Nguni. Research on the above surnames and you will discover that its actually one and the same surname with one toetem for all of them.

    I do not dispute the fact that The Ncube surname has been used by the Kalanga and shona tribes (Malaba, Shoko etc), but these Ncubes are totally different from the Mzilankathas and are not Sotho descendants.

    See below the history and origins of the above mentioned surnames and how they relate:

    ABANTU BASEMANCUBENI Abantu basemaNcubeni ungababiza Mncube,Ncube noma Ke Sincuba iqiniso kusengabantu ababodwa laba. Labantu badabuka eLusuthu esizweni lesi sabeSuthu okungakuthi nabo bangabeSuthu.Sibathola bona sebezinze laphaya entabeni Intabazwe (Harriesmith) nasOndini(Underburg), Umuntu esiqala ukuzwa ngaye kulababantu nguye uMncube uqobo. Yenawazala uMzilankatha owazala uMlotshwa yena wazala uSiyobi owazala uMadlozi.Bafike kuleli lakwaZulu lisengalakwaMthethwa lonke leliyazwe elingaphesheya kwemfolozingaselwandle.

    Abantu bakwaKhambule baphuma kwaNcube.
    Eqinisweni uKhambule bekuyithakazelo be kuthi uNcube kube isibongo. Kodwa uzalo
    lukaKhambule owabe engumnawabo kaMadlozi bezalwa naye nguSiyobi
    kaMthombeni kaMlotshwa kaMzilankatha
    kaNcube lona lwanquma ukusenzisa igama lakhe njengesibongo. Kwase kuba ukuvela
    kwesibongo sakwaKhambule. UKhambule lona ngenkathi inkosana yakwabo okwabe
    kunguMadlozi isithuthele kwaZulu lapho yase izitholele khona izwe esizweni
    sakwaMthethwa yena wavele wacela uyise ukuba amabele ifa okungelakhe.

    1. Thank you very much aboout finding us the amaZilankatha. Ndifunde okuninzi pha ndemvelaphi yam Enkosi ndiliZilankatha mna ke ndendele kwaMkhize

    2. Uma sibheka emva lena, abantu bakwa-Ncube bankabayinye nabakwa-Khambule, Mlotshwa, Shezi, kanye nabantu baseziBisini. Ngomlando wakwethu, nansi inqolobane yama-Ncube, funda futhi uyigogose.

      At the time of the entry of the Ntungwa-Ngunis into the Vryheid district out of the south-eastern Transvaal, and their subsequent break-up there into numerous clans, there was among them a certain leader named Mlotshwa. From this Mlotshwa family were afterwards derived the small eziBisini, emaNcubeni, and Khambule clans.

      The family branch which later formed the eziBisini clan did not migrate far afield. In origin, they were closely related to the Mabaso-Khumalo-Khoza group of the Nondweni district; and, being few in numbers, they allied themselves with the Buthelezi chieftain and occupied a portion of his dominions abutting on the emaMbatheni and ebaThenjini, south of the White uMfolozi. These were they who called themselves

      IziBisi zakwa-Buthela, ezi'mlom'ubomvu nabantwana bazo, zakwa-Sikithi seNgi'mpongo yembuzi.

      They regard the iziBisi zakwa-Mahlase as an entirely different group. The most important person among them in iNkosi uShaka's time was one Mtshana. His son, Mnqandi, eighty years later, was among that army of amaqhawe slaughtered by Zibhebhu, son of Maphitha, esigodlweni sase oNdini, ngonyaka ka-1883; and his grandson, Sishishili, was killed after the Bambatha uprising (imfazo yakwaZulu) of 1906.

      Besides eziBisini, there was another Mlotshwa party who subjected themselves to the Buthelezi chief, and there grew into the emaNcubeni clan. Omakhelwane banomndeni babanikeza igama "amaZilankatha", ngoba babenomkhuba wokuzila inkatha. EmaNcubeni, inkatha yabingalahlwa, kodwa yabishiswa besewuthi wonke owasekhaya abesegcoshwa ngomlotha. Kwakuyisiko labakwaNcube. Uzonanzelela ukuthi nanamhlanje izithakazelo zamaNcube zonke ziqala kanjena "...eNkatha...". Ngokuphelele, njengoba ngilandisile ngaphezulu, kufanele kuthiwe "...eMzilankatha....". Uma ufuna ngokugcwele izithakazelo zemaNcubeni, nginakho ukukunikeza. Before long, some of abakwaNcube migrated coastwards in search of more congenial settlement sites. There, they subjected themselves to the Mthethwa chief, Jobe [wabusa kusuka ngo-1790 kusiya ngo-1807], and were given a home eduze nendawo abathi namhlanje kuse Dukuduku, near the mouth of St. Lucia Bay. At their head was Zisongo, son of Makhombolo; there was also Magula, son of Ngonyama, of Solamba, of Mdungazwe, of Sidimbane. With time, this section of the family down at the coast became there known as abakwa-Ncube, not as abasema-Ncubeni.

      Uma ufisa, ngokulandisela futhi umlando wabantu bakwa-Khambule, abahlobana nabakwa-Ncube, njengoba ngishilo ngaphezulu. Okwamanje, ngizokuma khona lapha.

      Abanye babantu bakwa-Ncube kukhanya sengathi bawela uMbengwana neviyo ebelikhokhelwe yinduna uGundwane Ndiweni. KwaMthwakazi, iningi nalomndeni belihleli endaweni okuthiwa eMakhandeni (Fort Rixon), futhi bathathelwa umhlaba ngabelungu emaphethelweni ama-1950's. Emva kwalesosiga, basabalala; kodwa iningi namhlanje nihleli ezabelweni ezehlukene khona eNkayi. Futhi, uqinisile umfokaKhumalo uma ethi yena iNduna ebidumile yasemaNcubeni kwakunguyena uDakamela. Bheka, nanamhlanje kukhona indawo lena eNkayi abathi kwaDakamela.

  11. A job well don, I would like to know about the origins and which group does amaKhwane, ooMwelase fall under.

  12. Mna ndinguBhedla kaMpulana, uMnqabe, umthana ontsingalalana, uKhanju kaGomatana, abantu baseMdumba, ndiliBomvana!

  13. The Hlubi's are indeed a mixed breed, which i find interesting about my culture. You may call us 'beggers', but we were the ones who had to give you food during the cattle mass killing of Nongqawuse when most of you died from starvation. Sad history, but its the truth

  14. Molo ndiyazibulisela Mna ke ndingu Majeke Mthiwembotyi Ndluntsha Nyawozipinki Noqazo Mkabane ndifuna nje undiphe ingcaciso ukuba thina singaMankabane siphuma phi singowowuphi umnombo apha kwaxhosa Enkosi

  15. Nam ndithi mandidlulise ilizwi lombulelo kumbhali mna ke ndingu Mvulane, Ncilashe,Msuthu ,uBhayi,uKhetshe

  16. Mntambo, uNovetshe, Jiyane, Ntethe, Mbabala, ooNgub' ayinyathelwa...

  17. Ndicela nindithuthele umQwathi from the begining to the end

  18. Thina ke singo Mbanjwa o khathini o gutshwa abangawudli umbili odliwa abalandakazi thina basemsingankomo

  19. OMsweli laba badabukaphi

  20. Whıch zulu surname starts wıth the letter "L"?

  21. Mna ndingu Hlongwane,Ngwane,Sobhuza,Matiwane,Tukela,Mwelase,Masumpa,Mswati bendicela uthenyelwa imvelaphi yam ukusuka ekuqaleni uzotsho

  22. want to knw abt Fakude surname, where does it fall under bcos i cant c it on the list?

  23. Ngicela kuchazelwa ngesibongo sakwa Zakwe

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Ngicela ungisize ngemvelaphi ngamaNguni akwaNcobela

  26. Very informative

  27. would like to find out if there is any problem if abakwa maseko bangathatha kwa ndlovu or vise vesa

  28. My mom is a Xhosa her surname is James i so wish to know izithakazelo zakhona can any1 help me*lost*

    1. Search and find out out if your mom's real surmane is not Jama or Jamela. History of racial segregation will show that most surnames were changed in line with superior races at the time (Mthimkhulu=Grootboom, Ndlovu=Olifant)

  29. Ngicela ukwazi izithakazelo zakwa Makhanya nokuthi bahlobana nabakwa bani. Ngizwe kuthiwa bango Somgonyama noma Nsongonyama, ngabe kuliqiniso loku?

  30. Is there a Sibidla surname in the Ndebele clan izithakazelo zabo are something like: Bhele lakwa Lenge, Sijakula, Mncwane Mlotsha, Tshangelenkosi, Dlambula...?? I'm not even sure of their order

  31. Where are the Matolos originaly from

    1. Tolo son of Khuze twin of Zizi... descendants of Tolo are called AmaTolo

  32. khanindethulele oomthembu qhudeni mvelase. andazi ke kuqhtyekwa kuthiweni.

    1. mthembu, qhudeni, mpafana, mvelase, ngoza, dlamathibane indlala iwile, makhonz' egoduka womfazi oncancisa usana ngebele elinye ethukela kumlambo ongawelwayo owelwa ziinkonjane zodwa zona zidlisela ngamaphko, kheswa kanozulu, mthembu owamfenguza kwaxhosa.

  33. may anyone help me with izithakazelo zakwaSkhosana buso noMahlangu bhorholo.

  34. please i need them very urgent

  35. Hi can youl help me with Manana hyms praises please

  36. Plz help with the izithakazelo zakwa Masango,phondolubomvu

  37. Thank you for this valuable information. Can you please me with Ngxabi/Ngubo clan and their history

  38. Hey I haven't seen the Gcabe clan name,any1 who know them plz email me at

  39. Can anyone help me with the ancestry of the Xhosa clan Ndumo, Nonkosi, Madlala, etc

  40. Please help me with Mnyanyoka kaMnguni

  41. Hi. I'd like to know more about Mwelase. Is it Zulu or Xhosa or Swati? I'm really confused!

  42. Mwealse is xhosa nd some of the clan names are masumpa,sangweni ngwane etc.

  43. Hey! Im getting married next week and i need the clan names for the surname shange and it origin

  44. Cela ukwazi zonke izithakazelo zakwaChonco nokuthi bahlobene yini noMemela

  45. I do not realy know where I fall coz there are zulu people callin a similar clan as mine but to be specific
    I'm xhosa by xhosa speaking...
    Ndingu songo nodwala umthwa nothabizolo nonyele ncenceni owathi izulu liyezisa kanti seli zongoma
    What/where are my clan roots?

  46. Ndiweni
    basendlunkulu,,uNdlov'eyaphiceleziny'emazibukweni!!,,Lingwe!!,, uNtshosho!!
    UNsele kalindamkhonto!!
    ... Wena Wasetsheni lasentshenteka,Wena
    ongadlelanga phansi,, wadlel'
    wezinyamazane, udla
    im'hlambi yezinkomo
    Ndlangashushwana ngokudla
    amaNdebele, Bathi udleni
    Kuthiwa udle izinjana
    zimbili zigcwele umdakana,
    Ntshosho! Wena kaMafu kawalingani, Aphansi
    aphezulu angubo ngubo,
    Nsele kaLindaMkhonto,
    Awungilinde ngilande ezami
    ezungeni, MthantiNduna ngokuthwal' isilo sensele,
    kangakanani, Ngoba
    nasothini lomkhont'
    angahlala. Nin'enadlel'enc
    azeni, Nin'eniphakel'umyeni
    odengeleni, Ngoba
    kaNdabansele, Mabhayi
    kawalingani awangaphansi nawangaphezulu,
    Nselenduna nina basetsheni.
    Zinkomo zakwaLinda
    ezimhlane ugcwele udaka,
    Ezathi zidl'ubhoqo kanti
    ziyawuhlakulela Ntshosho, Mungwe
    Mkhulu kwabasenhla,
    Phikela ngokuphikel'
    izinkomo zamadoda, Zikode!! Nselenduna
    ngokuthwal' isilo sensele,,
    kalindamkhonto ngilinde
    ngithathe ezami izikhali,
    Wena owafundisa izizwe ukulima
    ngesiphanga senkomo
    owadunga izizwe

    1. aw wazisho Mungwe,Ntshosho,Mangethe... mina la engihlala khona bathi o Mungwe ama shangaan but I won't
      blame them abazi lu2


    1. True narrative above Sitshela

    2. Some Ngwenya people in the Ndebele of Zimbabwe descend from Sotho/Tswana clans in the Limpopo assimilated into the tribe. These are BaKwena known as Crocodile people.

  48. Hi bengicela ukubuza ukuthi u,sink angathatha umashinini na?plis email me @ tnx

  49. The Aba-Kwa-Myeni belong to the Ntungwa-Ngüni group, and are closely related to the Mabasos. Their original home was inland of the Babanango Mount at the source of the Mhlatüze river, some 20 miles inland of present day Ulundi.

    In the early 1700`s the Chief was dying and there arose a dispute as to who would succeed him. One of the claimants to the throne, Mlambö by name, settled the dispute by moving, with as many of the tribe that would follow him, to the area of Qwabeleland around Eshowe, ruled by the Chief of the Qwabe, where Mlambö and his followers were allocated some land.

    Mlambö died there around 1754, leaving two sons, (twins) Ngwenya (senior) and Ntsinde (junior), and the two divisions of the new clan were called aba-kwa-Ngwenya and aba-kwa-Ntsinde, and they lived together in Qwabeleland for some time.

    Ngwenya died around 1790 and was succeeded by his son Duma.

    Not long after his succession Duma fell foul of some evil portent when a ground hornbill, - (inTsingizi) - entered the Kraal.

    Duma, in the face of this evil, fled with the major portion of his clan, ending up in the hospitality of the Tembu Chief on the River Tseleni near the coast just north of present day Richards Bay.

    And so began some 30 years of unsettled history of the Myeni, with Duma and his people moving to

    emaTubatuba; then being chased out of there as far as the enGwavuma River to the East of Swaziland where they eventually settled as vassals to Chief Zondiwe of the Mngomezulu.

    Meanwhile Maguma, heir to the other twin Ntsinde, had decided to follow Duma and also settled in the same area with his clan sometime around 1820.

    These lands eventually proved barren, and when Vuma, grandson of Maguma saw that his Ntsinde people were starving he begged a Chief Mpande to adopt them, and so were permitted to move south and to occupy land on both sides of the Mkuze River around the eTshaneni Mount (Ubombo).

    This land was originally the land of the Soshangane, but was now under the control of

    Shaka`s cousin Mapita.

    1. I m. Happy caz caz I found zikhali caz im one of them. Abanye abantu sebehlanganisa isbongo sakozikhali lesakoncube. Cha azihambelani lezi izibongo abokoncube ngabakwakozilankatha.kanjalo. uzikhali akuyena uncube.iZikhali ngeyeskhosini emalinga enzima emnyama egabadela eyagabadela enkundleni yenkosi izizwe sonke zakhalima zathi kungange kungubani lowing nguZikhali zemkhonto emacansi awenkosi.

  50. aba kwa Nkutha where are they from exactly?This is their clan praise


    maweza,dlanga eladlumbelesi lithi inyama,




    sandla somkhonto sidlubhedu.

    1. Hi. I'm also looking. We're you able to find more info?

    2. Hi. I'm also looking. We're you able to find more info?

  51. I need to know isithakazelo sika Makamo I dnt know their origin

  52. My name is Thabile Matole . Ive just discovered that the surname Im using is not my biological surname can u please help me find out who I am and where biological blood line lies

    Gam, Nqana, Kahla are the clan names given to me by my father, wich I cant seem to find. This very important to me
    072 830 5220 with any important info

  53. Makamu / makamo are tsonga people.


  55. I'd like to know more about the clan yakwaMaduna, ooGubevu, ooNokhala. Bathini bona xa bezithutha?

  56. Nyana Kamaxhala Ngubentombi5 September 2013 at 10:29

    Ntshiza,Mbhabha, Malilelwa Zintombi zithi bhuti ndizeka andina mama, andina tata ,
    Gubha, Ngonyama,Mpuml'inkulu,
    Rhadu,Bhayi Kacetywa,
    Totoba, Simelela ngenduku ebuthelezini,

  57. Hlazo,Chunu ,Madela ,Gigaba,Sihlobo sikaNokhepheyi,Tshaka ,Mlom'ubomvu ngathi unekelebha,Nyuswa,Ubhukuluzwa yinkonjane

  58. bendicela ubuza ukuba abakwa mbongo,sondisa ,mvemnyama,ndima, nqalela,nonjokozela,mbuyisa.mathobela. ukuba babuyaphi na boba kuba abekho eluhlwini.

  59. ngcela ukbuza ukuthi abaka hlathwayo ngabaphi futhi basukaphi (izithakazelo,amaculo,namakhosi)

  60. Mbanjwa clan? can you take it further??

  61. Mine is quite rare and ots origins I am tryi g to find. SHELEMBE

  62. Hi I am Buhle Mhlanga,my clan name is Skosana I want to my more about my clan name where they coming from and side we belong eg.mfengus or other

    1. Which Skhosana are you, Ndebele, Zulu or Xhosa?. Your real surname is from the Ndebele people where King Musi, fathered the first Skhosana (Skhosana sikaMusi ikomo kaNanasi). Search Ndebele history, then you find your original clan.

  63. Hi I'm very confused my father is Hlubi his surname Mkungela and van yakhe ngu Shabalala.I would like to backround yale sibongo

    1. Mna ndingu Goqolo, Mabhengu / Bhengu, Teni, Tshengezana, Tshevula, Ngwane. We are the Fingoes / AmaMfengu. Some of these people can be found in Lesotho and in the area of Tsolo and Mthatha in the Eastern Cape

  64. Hi what is the clan names of Qangani

  65. can u help me with motha clan names

  66. plz help me to find masikane sthakazelo

    1. tiba, nyabuse, mphokwe, mleke, sicubu somlenze asiphekwa siyosiwa, singaphekwa koqhuma izimbiza!

  67. Could someone kindly help me with MACOZOMA's clan names, izithakazelo, and heritage. I would REALLY appreciate to know who we are. Thank you in advance. in case you prefer to reply directly to me-

  68. Can someone please help me find out what is the origin of Yina family, are they related to mkhonza or yeni. I understand they were Zulus who went to Swaziland during the time of wars and later settled at mzimkhulu..changed the surname to hide identity... Any help..please

  69. Mnguni, Ncobela, Shawuza, shawuz'oshisayo obashisa emuva nangaphambili, macash'emhlungwini, abahamba ngenhlanhlatho, abahle nangaphansi konyawo, Mnguni omhlophe, umhlakothi owugawula uhlume,Shawuza kashayeki ushayeka ngamatshe, onkomo zabo ziningi

  70. Can some one help to find out about the am Gcina Clan who are ama Che some of them arte from Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape. I want to know isiduko sabo xabe zithutha.

  71. Ngicela ningisize ngezithakazelo zakwa Simelane

  72. hi I would love to know about thanjekwayo clan where it originated and isithakazelo coz I've been searching and I can't find anything.

  73. Hi family, may i please be clarified to the true origin of the Mathobela's. They exist in the Nguni's and Bapedi's

  74. I am battling to understand this list of names! My great grandmother's surname was Tusi. From what I have told, she came from southern Zululand districts/areas along or near the Thukhela river. Icannot find the Tusi surname anywhere, except once some years ago and it was listed in the part of Zululand as described above. Can anyone enlighten me? Was this her surname or clan name? Any history or further resource references would be so greatly appreciated. I need to get some clarity on my roots...just for interest, she was one of Chief John Dunn's wives, and the mother of his last born child who was born in the month his father died: August 1895. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me.

    1. As copied,

      Izithakazelo zakwaThusi
      19th September 2016IzithakazeloThusi
      Inina enehla ngomzungulu niphuma empumalanga umzungulu wasala wabola, Sbumbu setshwele eligulayo,
      Madla umchamo wenja
      Manyosi sofakaza

  75. May you please share the origin and history of ''BIYASE''. what was their contribution/ known for in the Zulu clan. Please help

  76. Ngicela izithakazelo zakwaMasikane

  77. Can anyone help me with Titayi's clan names, please.

  78. can someone help me with Masango's clan name (Ndebele) please......

  79. ngicela usizo ngaboNcube abanesithakazelo : Mayazane, Moswa. Okhokho nabomkhulu abaziwayo kuqala kuMawindi (Rogers), kaMatsokwane (Dubhi), kaTshobuta

  80. can someone help me with the NYONI 's clan name (Ndebele) pliz

  81. is the surname MATHEMA zulu ????

    1. uMathema nguMkhwanazi bafo ngethemba kuyezwakala

  82. The problem with this Lushanduko pageis that it spreads the confusion that is very common in Zimbabwe that animal surnames never existed in South African Nguni society therefore they must be Kalanga. In fact surnames like Ndlovu, Ngwenya etc existed in Zululand long before the Mfecane.

    In Zimbabwe's case these surnames in Zimbabwe Ndebele society were among people of Sotho, Tswana, Venda and Kalanga ancestry.

    1. That is very true, some of this confusion was deliberately done by the whites to try and divide and rule. In fact Zulus or Ngunis use names of their ancestors as surnames even those that have animal names if you check your history properly you will see that they actually names. So it is not true that those with animal surnames are not ngunis. But bear in mind that when people were migrating and mixing with each other surnames that were also common in other tribes like Sothos and Tswanas when they joined the Zulus or Ndebeles they used those instead of their original ones. For example my cousins are Tswanas and they use tswana surnames but when we are together they say their Nyathi.For Ndebeles (northen) it is always better looking at things from Zululand rather than looking from the Ndebeles going backwards because Ndebeles are a mixed multitude. It will be absurd to claim that John Langalibalele Dube the first president of the ANC was not nguni.

  83. Can somebody out there help me with regard to the origin and the relation between Mkhwanazi, Nkwali Nyide: Ndabase, and Maphisa: Mlambo, Sishange, Mabhedla. Because my Great Grandfather uses Mkhwanazi but my father uses Maphisa, I now getting confused. I would also be appreciate if there could be somebody who could share with me sithakazelo seka Mkhwanazi or Maphisa

  84. Nhlanhla Ntamane27 May 2015 at 07:14

    Can somebody help me out with "Ntamane"?

  85. I would like to know more about the origins of Magutshwa izithakazelo are as follows :-Nabela Gidizela Nkomose,umkhombo nganyathi,umalila ngomkhonto abanye belila ngenyembezi,ezibunu ezingamandingilizana,etc

  86. My Great great grandfathers names were Sikhotha,Mwane,Mbeya,

  87. I would like to know about the origins of Ndaba Bhadela Mntungwa Tshibase Nonunu Nogubela surname Dlova ,from which tribe and where are they originate .

  88. I would like to know more about the Mhlanga of the Shangani ethnic group

  89. Mpandla , Mbona , Tshayingwe , Nunu , Tyethe , Khiphi , Nozithethe .

  90. can someone help me finish izithakazelo: Khumalo KaMzilikazi, maMnthungwa,ndlangamandla,mphala,mangede KaLanga.........

  91. I would like to find out about Msibi if it zulu or swati?

  92. I would like to know more about the Tutu surname

  93. Hi i want to know isiduko from the surname xolilizwe

  94. Ngicela ningisize ngezithakazelo zakwa Zitha ne ndabuko yobo?

  95. Thokozani Bantu Bakithi, ngicela onolwazi ngabakwa Maseko nokuthi bahlobene kanjani nabakwaPhiri?

    1. Masekos are Ngunis and AmaSwati oKuboni not related to oPhiri

  96. Would like to find out about Magagula Clan History

  97. I would like to know more about about izithakazelo zakoMphoko from Zimbabwe. My mother is Mphoko and tell me that their grand father Mthini Mphoko came from KZN with Mzilikazi but I have never heard of any Mphoko in KZN.

  98. I would like to know more about about izithakazelo zakoMphoko from Zimbabwe. My mother is Mphoko and tell me that their grand father Mthini Mphoko came from KZN with Mzilikazi but I have never heard of any Mphoko in KZN.

    1. Chief Mthini Mphoko Ndlovu in the Ndebele originates from KZN

  99. Am struggling to know where i originate am Maphakula some are Maphangule i header we a AmaNdebele from zimbabwe some say we a venda's from Venda some says we a Pedi's can someone help me pls

  100. I would like to know more about the relationship between Radebe, Mtimkhulu, Bungane, Nsele. I am a residing in Lesotho I was born in Lesotho and our clan we are told that were Mthimkhulu, Bungane Kansele. My problem is that nobody seem to know the clan praise. Can anyone help me. when the recite the praise they usually say if I am correct: Mthimkhulu Bungane Kansele, Izulu lia sa lia sebangela, Usijami sakwa Jamile,waka khésa imfuleni, amadoda a phumis'inkono endlesana ephola, maka buyayo, a buya na makhand ámadoda...............I don't know to go further and I don't know if what I have written here is correct according to the meaning. Please help me.

    1. Part of amaHlubi clan which settled (among other places) in the Ladysmith/Harrismith (MManthatisi's Batlokwa land, you also find Radebe people in QWAQWA. there was a great movement of people tribes and clans during Difaqane looking for peaceful refuge. Note also that the kingdom of Lesotho was only established in 1966.
      Radebe, Bhungane,
      Mthimkhulu, Makhulukhulu, Zikode,
      Mashwabada inkomo nempondo zayo,
      Izinzipho zimnyama ngokuqhwayana,
      Mangelengele, Mahlub' amhlophe.

  101. Umzizi..umashuku..umaxhele..umpogashe..ikomo zika nonjojo..zika menthe.umkhwele entabeni..

    1. Siyabonga Mzizi Njokweni1 November 2016 at 22:21

      Sawubona mfowethu Phillemon. I am Siyabonga Njokweni, a Zizi man. I have been researching deeply about amaZizi. In Kawa, Ncwana and Jabavu I found out that the Mashuku people are also one of us although we are called Dlamini thina. I would like to hook up with you because the way you recite your izithakazelo is rare and extremely valuable to me. Also, check out the praises of Mbona (via Wakahina) and those of the Mashugus of the Eastern Cape. Simunye!

    2. Mna ndingu Goqolo, Mabhengu/Bhengu, Teni, Tshengezana, Tshevula, Ngwane. We are the Fingo people / AmaMfengu. These clan names and praises can be found in Lesotho and Eastern Cape Province. Anyone with a researched or indigenous knowledge information is free to comment on this

  102. hi, I would like to know about the shirimani surname. its origin and its praise

  103. Will someone out there provide some information for me regarding the origin of the Mthimunye(also spelt Mtimunye) clan and surname.

  104. Lindi Nyalunga23 July 2016 at 07:58

    Nine bekunene ngicela imvelaphi yalesbongo saka Nyalunga mbetse bulongo nekutsi sihlobene nabobani.Ngingabonga kakhulu boNgwane

  105. i am Qinani Mthunzi original a swathi but now settled in Zimbabwe need to know more about my totem and history of Mthunzi family.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Thokozani banti bakithi ...ngicela ningisize ngezithakazelo zakwaSasa ne ndabuko yabo

  109. Greetings,I am curious as to know about the Manyathela(oMwelase, kaMthombo/kaZwangobani abaka Ncikazane) clan who are said to have been settlers somewhere in the eMkhomazi region of KZN but it seems now majority are dispersed in some parts of the Southern African region that is Dundee(KZN), Gauteng, Mpumalanga/Swaziland, Limpopo and Zimbabwe I would like to know of the respective clan's history from origin to the present times.


  111. Ngicela ukwazi ukuthi uNyathi uhambisana kanjani noMdluli?lokho ngikusho ngoba abantu bakwa Nyathi e Zimbabwe isithakazelo sabo oMdluli ukhona ongangichazela?

    1. Nyathi Mdluli Mavimbesangweni Mbhentse!
      Mgwaba Vezi kaNomandla,
      Sindane osinda ngonyezi!
      Mlaba Sontokozi Ciyane Sibind'esimnyama njengenyongo sayo!
      Jola Mtholi wewombe...

  112. Ngicela ukwazi ngesibongo sakwaMpofana how it originated which part of the country are they found in which tribe do they belonged also may I have their praises please this is very important to me for my child.

    1. Mpofana
      Ethnic: Nguni
      Add Clan Praise
      Clan Praise(s)

      By Thabisile Mpofana Sunday,30th August 2009

      zulu mageba ntombela ngxanyane mathanga etshitshi adle ngokushisa malandelwa inkazanyan ithi ngizeke chibi elihle chibi lisesangwen mlolwa sthuli sandaba thula ungathi akekho kant ugade ondaba khathaza owakhathaza abathakath baxabana nempundulu zabo

  113. uma kukhona ongangichazela kabanzi ngesibongo sakithi ko KHANYI imvelaphi,izithakazelo ngokugcwele.Ukuthi u Mwelase;u Msuthu; ungena kanjani,NENDABUKO YETHU?

  114. Mna ndingu Goqolo, Mabhengu / Bhengu, Teni, Tshengezana, Tshevula, Ngwane. We are the Fingo people / AmaMfengu and this clan can be found in Lesotho and Eastern Cape. Anyone with a researched or indigenous knowledge information id free to comment on this.

  115. If you know the Goqolo clan in Zimbabwe, please consult me. Thanks

  116. I would like to know where the Mzozwana (Motsotsoana), Mpofu(Phofu) and Sibindi(Sebete) fall? Are they the Hlubis, AmaFengu, AmaNdebele or AmaZulu?

    1. I think sibindi fall under ndebele because there's part of history that tell us about king sibindi of ndebeles who was killed by mzilikazi in 1824 or 1826. Mzilikazi arrived and sougth refuge there in 1820 and killed the king before he went to Rodesia.

  117. I would like to know where Swafo surname falls under are they nini or pedi

  118. I would like to know where Swafo surname falls under are they nini or pedi

  119. help with the surname Nyamane (aboNzimangwenya)are they Swati or Ndebele please i cant sleep

  120. Help me with the information about the origin of Nhleko people

  121. please help me with the origin of two clans my mother is from Shava (Father)and Gama (mother) origin; my father from Ngonyani Gigimanjani (father) and Haule-Gunda (mother) ....they were the descendants of Nguni Shona mixture who migrated from South Africa to Tanzania between 1820 and 1840 under paramount Chief Zwangendaba the only part of their praise...which says ....ngiyabonga, lapho befika emfuleni omkhulu, amadoda angamaqhawe asakaza izihlangu, izingane nezinkomo zawela ngokuphepha amanzi

  122. hie ngicela usizo ngesithakazelo zakoMdlongwa

  123. I would like to know about the mkhabela clan and their origin

  124. I would like to know about the mkhabela clan and their origin

  125. Ngivusele bukhosi bakitsi kaNgwane mine ngiliswati bokhokho Betfu behlulwa besingemambayi
    Kutsiwa mashwama mshinga mafele'esibayeni shakamane wezikhali .Elias siphelele mashwama e Johannesburg mswatiiiiii

  126. uNcube ayisilo Nguni far i know amaNguni ngo Dlodlo.Mguni.Gumede.Ndiweni.Khumalo.Hlabangane lamanye nje abalutshwane

    1. Did you see the list of the people who came with Mzilikazi? You will find one of the regiments were lead by Ncube.So what makes you think they are not Nguni? Do you know amanguni yini?

    2. uNcube uzalwa ngeyinye yamadodana kaMatalatala (Sobhuza 1) ogama layo kwabe kunguMsuthu. uMsuthu lona uyavela ezithakazelweni zakwaNcube. uMsuthu uzele uNcube, Khoza lo Maphalala. uNcube lo engikhuluma ngaye nguMzilankatha hayi laba abanengi okwentwala esingazi imvelaphi yabo.Ezinye zezibongo eziphuma emaZilankatheni ngezithi Ncube, Mlotshwa, Khambule , Nkambule, Khoza, Maphalala, Ngcamu, Makhalima, Nhlanhla, Shelembe, Khubisa njalo njalo. Ubuduna bemaZilankatheni koMthwakazi bukoDakamela besekuthi indlu yeskhosini semaZilankatheni kulesisizwe sikaMzilikazi buko Bowell okaHlahla uyaphila lamanje utholakala eNyamayendlovu usanda kuphuma koBulawayo

  127. Bonke o Ndlovu asiwo maNdebele these are the Hole who were incorporated into the Ndebele state.Thabani Dlodlo

    1. Thabani Dlodlo koMthwakazi silo Ndlovu (Gatsheni/Gegana kunye lo Mthombeni). Lawa ngamaNguni bafo. Besekuthi ezinye lezo ke Ndlovu zesiHoleni okhuluma ngazo

    2. So uthini ngabo Ndlovu o Gegana labo Gatsheni abatholakalaa South Africa lase Swatin. Basuka e Zimbabwe? Wenaa nxaa ungu Ndlovu ye Zim kuqondile hhayi wonke umuntu.

  128. I will like to know mshayisa clan

  129. Ngcela lusito ngesibongo saka Mqobokazi and their origin please.

  130. ngicela ukwazi ngabantu bakwa dlongwane ukuthi ilaphi invelaphi yabo

  131. Can you please give the difference between too surname Nkabinde and Nkabinde

  132. All I need to know is that how come Dindi is Mhlongo Njomane Mgabhi. Nemvelaphi yabo ayicacile kodwa babexhumene noDlamini. Akesinikwe into ecacile kwabanolwazi please as young generation we need to know our root.

  133. Ngicela ukwazi invelaphi yakoThebe

  134. Need assistance with The Mweli surname as to izithakazelo seziphelele zithini kahle kahle and the originality of the Mweli family

  135. Can I please get full clan names for Khanyayo, Bumbantaba, Ncibi...
    I believe it's under amaMpondo

  136. Mashwama , mshinga , mafel'esibayeni wena waMpunzane .shakamane wezikhali
    You will find this surname in south africa and eSwatini
    .mashwama surname came after the dead of shakamane son of Mashekula in Louiscreeks ( easthern transvaaal) now mpumalanga in a small town between kanyamazane ( imphaka mountain and kaapmuiden) .he had two sons Jama and Marhule they moved east to now eswatini passing e Motjane down to Lozingili via Mbabane and Manzini with the herb of cattle but they didnt last longer ka Lozingili they then came back to Mgadvu( now Lomahasha ) thats where our grandfathers were born .then when border was allocated between eswatini and south africa some mashwama found themselves in the morden days Mbuzini south africa and others Lomahasha eSwatini .but this is one family from same family tree .origin Mbayi from mbayiyane mountains south africa .history book is on its way written by myself Elias Siphelele Mashwama title "imvelaphi yesive sakaMashwama" to show that this clan is one in 2013 family gathering was held at Msogwaba Mbombela host .
    Mfisha 24 september 2018 eSwatini hosted mashwama gathering at Manzini hosted by Oscar mashwama son of Scotch Govuza Mashwama .12 october 2019 mashwama gathering will be hosted by Jama kaMaphindela mashwama kinross mpumalanga .family society account was open at Manzini eSwatini and both families are contributing monthly sign of togetherness .soon website will follow

  137. I would like to get clan names and origin of the Swafo surname

  138. Ngicela izibongo zoNdawonde seziphelele ngiyazi Ngo Sibhene Senala but ImI not confused

  139. are the manana"s
    clan zulu or swati

  140. I would request to know about the origin of Mahaye clan. Others they say we Sothos others say we are Zulus. Amathuna abanye okhokho ase Maseru. Ngifuna onolwazi olwaziyo noma oyisihhlobo nomaMahaye. Umuntu owaduma uNodange hhayi uNodanga abanye labo.

  141. what is the connection between siwela , mabaso and mpofu/nyandeni

  142. Xolile John Nombombo

    Asking about Nombombo
    (Ugema, Unçobeni, Mthunzi "umuthi wo'mthunzi wokuphumla", Sibakhulu, ntlangwini ~ Oontlangwini, Dlegedle, itiba, ikhuze, bhaça, into'ezadabula nge ngadla iinkomo zingake sphumi esangweni.

  143. Can you please help me with the origin of Nhlengethwa clan or people and their relatives surnames

  144. What about the Tipha clan,why is it not mentioned here

  145. Hi please help want to know if Swafo are swati and the clan names

  146. Hi mina ungipha isithakazelo sakwaMhlanga sesizulu manje ngibona esesiswazi kuphela

  147. Hi ngicela ukusizwa ngesibongo sakwa Nyamane , silahlekile sifuna ukwazi ngomlandu wabo kanye nezithakazelo

  148. My mom is xhosa and her surname is Ngabomu they are from Eastern cape but where? I dont know pls help me

  149. My mom is xhosa and her surname is Ngabomu they are from Eastern cape but where? I dont know pls help me
    My grand father said we are thembu mcina

  150. Mina bengisacela ukwazi ukuthi abantu bakwa Yende amaZulu or amaSwati

  151. I would like to know about izithakazelo zakwa--Hlahla xhosa clan

  152. Hi, I would like to know about Kheswa is Xhosa or Zulu

  153. Thanks for the tip on rerere. It sounds too good to be true.
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  154. Ngifisa ukwazi izithakazelo kanye nomehluko phakathi kuka Nxongo and Ngxongo

  155. Sanibo bengingathanda ukwazi ngesibongo uNgubande (Nyaba)


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