On the Origins of Bukalanga and the Question of ‘Semitic Blood’
Please Note: This particular material is Chapter eleven of my book, The Rebirth of Bukalanga. Many of the references made herein are from that book. As we saw in Chapter Two, a number of writers since the 1500s state that Bukalanga peoples have Semitic, Asiatic and/or Jewish blood in their veins. This is one of the most contentious questions whenever Bukalanga identity is under discussion, and many will dismiss whoever makes that claim today as a crazy lunatic. But, were the previously cited writers wrong in declaring that the Kalanga have Semitic and/or Asiatic blood in their veins? Before answering that question, let us just take a look at the statements that have been made about Bukalanga on this very question by some of the travellers who encountered them since the early 1500s. Some of the statements are as follows: 1. Of all the Bantu they had the largest proportion of Asiatic blood in their veins…Their skulls more nearly approached those of Europeans in shape, many o...